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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] U 26 for sale

At 1855 -0600 03/27/0, Paul Suds wrote:
> .... I've talked to my ex navy nuke submarine buddies at 
>work, and they think that if people are willing to take a ride on a Mig 
>pre-29 for $10,000, that people would line up to crew an ex-military sub for 
>$1500 a week with no problem, especially if you do it in the sunny 
>caribbean. ....

What a fabulous idea. I've seen ads for these outfits (these particular ones on Lake Superior, but I'm sure they're elsewere even more) that have a big pretty old-fashioned-looking sailing ship they take folks for cruises on, overnight or a few days. And part of the whole experience is working -- getting to be a part of the crew, and get a bit of taste for what that would've been like. I thought it sounded like a blast, but haven't gotten around to it.

Even cooler to do the same with a sub.

But then I read Carsten's laundry list of intentional damage done to it. What a crime. Whenever I think of really fabulously neato machines -- especially boats and ships and airplanes -- being destroyed like that, it just... well, it bugs me.

But it lends a bit of credence to the notion that governments wouldn't be too keen on large numbers of private subs. That issue of "subnational" ownership mentioned in _Kings of the High Frontier_. Remember, to much of the world, "submarine" is just a synonym for "deadly weapon."

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner