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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] That radio thing....

<<  I erased all my posts just now by mistake, but did
 I hear someone mention being able to use VHF/CB at
 depths up to 50 fsw?  This would apply to GPS too
 right? >>

I used to work in the Research Computing Consortium of Monsanto.  Some guys 
in my group interfaced GPS receivers to Apple Newtons with a custom case.  
I've played around with writing software applications to interface to GPS 
output in NMEA format.  I highly doubt that GPS can penetrate 50 fsw.  GPS 
dosen't work too great indoors.  I always had to stick my antennae by window, 
and at Monsanto they had to send the QA tester out of the building to test 
the programming.
