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fellow bublemakers.
I still working on the safety guideline, based on the accident simulation. I hope soon it can be posted, I have added a 22 cal. collapsible rifle to the safety items,and a speargung whith a power head.
To me all the people on this forum are colleages, you have in common the undertaking of one , if not the  most complex of  man made machines, that make us very special, not because we are doing something out of the ordinary, but because this undertaking it will test all that you know and stress your skills to the limit.
if any of you writte about  underwater technology i will read it and answer if i think i can contribute on a positive way, if any of you writte about any issue, I will DO THE SAME, because any of the ideas of a man than is willing to undertake a challenge such as this, is whorth of attention, and respect.
On the other hand, if I disagree so violently whith a colleage that i am force to insult him, I will do this on a personal email, outside of this forum.
I  invite you all to do the same.
Gabriel Feldman.