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Re: GUNS was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View Ports...Shatterproof

Chris Crouch wrote "Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more
dangerous than gun owners."

OK, ok, Now wait a minute Chris!  I am a doctor AND a Gun owner - so where
does that put me?  I can honestly say that I have only killed 2 people, one
through incompetence and one through kindness.  The incompetence wasn't
necessarily my fault, I mean I wasn't the one who spent 60 years smoking 3
packs of cigarettes a day, Drinking alcohol like it was water and eating
till I weighed 475 pounds so that No form of medical imaging was even
possible anymore. Funny how subtle Pulmonary embolism can be in a hypoxic,
cancer ridden, air gasping, obese alcoholic.  And death by kindness - well
Kevorkian happens to be right. He is the wrong messenger ( being a complete
nutcake), but Doctors have been putting terminally ill people on the
morphine train for years. All things considered, when I have the fatal
cancer, turn up the juice.
Now, I am also a patron member of the NRA, have a concealed carry permit and
an Federal firearms license.
I carry a firearm infrequently for the family inner city real-estate
business, and have never had to use it  (but have always been happy to have
it along when carrying large sums of money in the inner city).

So, you can clearly see why I resent the implications presented above.
In summary, as a gun carrying gun owner I have never killed anyone, but as a
physician I have only killed...
HEY Wait a minute !!! This didn't quite work out like I had planned.

But on a more serious note, I am a little concerned about our references to
"Brothers" in a not so veiled euphemism for black men.  I work with several
black men who are successful professionals and I am sure that they wouldn't
appreciate these references. Yes, certain individuals in certain communities
scare the shit out of me too, but it's not necessarily only black men, and
it's not necessarily only in the city.  For each chucklehead out there
making trouble, there are at least 10 others trying to live in that
hell-hole while trying to protect their own families - burdened with the
fate of being a black man in America.  Hearing some of the crap that my
black doctor friends have to put up with because of there skin color is
SICKENING. I even see it when we go out for drinks or socialize in public.
This guy can be a Heart surgeon by day, but take him out of the scrubs and
society treats him like just "another Brother" up to no good.  Hard road for
him - not to mention that his is one of the kindest, most respectful and
down to earth people that you could ever hope to meet. So< I am a little
caution about making generalized statements about race groups (See,
political correctness from a Republican, go figure )

OK, I'm off the soap box now -
God Bless America-

! !! Never mind. Forget
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Crouch <eccrouch@cpol.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: GUNS was Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSUB Fatalities...View

> Subject: Gun statistics
> Some Startling Statistics...
> Number of physicians in the U.S.
> 700,000
> Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year
> 120,000
> Accidental deaths per physician
> 0.171
> Number of gun owners in the U.S.
> 80,000,000
> Number of accidental gun deaths per year (all age groups)\
> 1,500
> Accidental deaths per gun owner
> 0.0000188
> Therefore, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous
> than gun owners.
> Taken from the Benton County NewsTribune on the
> seventeenth of November, 1999