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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Minn Kota - Thrust


As you pointed out the thrust Minn Kota advertises is indeed a static thrust. 
I meant to state Minn Kota uses strain gage tests in a static test tank, not 
moving, and the thrust would indeed go down as speed increases.

I'm more comfortable and more accurate when talking about PWMs and power 
electronics. Forgive me.

I'm still looking for a fuel cell with a 25KW output at 100 volts with a 
total energy of 9X10^9 joules to power my Sub at a purchase price of less 
than $1000. Total weight must be less than 10 pounds including the fuel 
gases. I've been told to keep looking and let everybody know when I find the 

Best wishes,

Ken Martindale

PS Also forgive the use of acronyms. PWM is Pulse Width Modulation. I don't 
always understand the use of BTW and IMHO either.