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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSubs..safety simulation

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vikking" <vikking@mindspring.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] PSubs..safety simulation

"> good morning Pat, we have here an opportunity to work on a blue print for
> safety, probably we will arrive to a series of share conclusions that
> help  everybody as a guide, we can even later on develop some gear on this
> forum, imagine when we do this tipe of thinking, whith coatings,
> hydrodinamics, life support systems ,propulsion etc. one at the time ,
> building a psub in modules, mmany of us (i assume) will like a bigger sub,
> or a faster one, or a  more surface independent design., even if we all
> a wining lotery ticket, we still  need to do the thinking."

And Good Morning to You, Gabriel!  Regarding your statement above, I can
only say "Yep!"   ;-)
>"the scenario is forming, you can change any of the variables, you are
> interested in, an important thing to consider is that we should do it on a
> orderly way, because any change we make will gives differents
> posibilities,and diferents final conclusions, Murphy is always tring to
> hitch a ride,"

Right again, I think.  General guidelines, combined with considerations for
special circumstances, and the ability to adapt when Murphy shows up, will
do much to reduce risks and increase safety.

> thanks for remarking about the cooperation , tryng to see the other guy
> point of view,
> lets get to work on the specifications, how big the psubs for the safety
> simulation?

Thank you for understanding what I was trying to say.  As for the specs,
I'll leave that up to you guys.  Mine is only about 1.25 tons; less than 40
cubic feet.  That's unusually small as PSUBS go, I think;  (it only ended up
that way due to design limitations imposed by replicating the Disney
NAUTILUS), and so I doubt my boat is a good example to base a "model for
safety" on.  But hows this: why not take a look at the subs in the Picture
Gallery; try to determine an average size and displacement, and work from
there?  That might provide a general guideline for experimental homebuilts.
Then again, you might want to do a seperate scenario on established designs
like the K-subs, since many people have them, and their  dimensions are well
defined.  Just a thought.....

Have a good day!
