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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re:PSUB Fatalities...

Hi submadmans ..

I will added the page number five to my pre- start check list.
Very simillar to this : 

C.S.S.Sgt.Peppers Check list page 5

5.1 Emergency Escape Procedure : 

- Put this list unremovable to you brain before starting - 

5.1.2 Equipment : 

Put in the submarine : 

- diver mask (see page 2) 

- scuba gear 4 Liters (about 1 galleon) (sea page 2) 

- your diver mark bouy (with is 2m long (6,5ft) and has a
diameter of 3-4 inch (so about 15 Liters displacement) and a
overpressure vale, and a lead on the bottom.)

Turn around a 30m long rope on the the scuba-bottle and connect them
with the bottle and the inflating bouy. Mark the rope with small red
marks each 3 meter and with 3 bigger marks at 30m, 2 marks at 20 m etc. 
Conected all together with a small rubber rope. 

5.1.3 Exit procedere : 

If your submarine is catch by a rope or simillar
on the bottom or on a wreck do everything to free the sub. 

If that not possible stop completly working and wait many hours until
the time the oxgen bottle is empty to give your rescue divers time to
raise the sub. Do not sleep. Switch one outside light on, switch all
other electric users of. Use the manuell CO2 Absorber pipe. Let the
radio and the music runnig. But if possible prevent thats oxgyen is
empty at night time..

After this time left : 

- drink some of the freshwater, maybe the hole 0,3 liter
  and all the chocolate, do not use the "emergency hopeless wiskey"..

- Put the mask to your face, put one inactivated
  chemical light under the mask holder.

- Open the scuba gear regulator

- Switch off the main battery

- Remove paper cover from the second chemical light and activate it
  (it will run about 15 hours inside the sub)

- switch off the emergency battery (black out in ship)

- Open snorckel vale to flooded boat

- make the nose/mouth/ears trick

- After flooding - open top hatch

- Go out with one arm and the scuba bottle and conect
  the gear to the front lifting point with the carabiner. 

- remove the rubber ring from the bouy and blow them with you

- let the bouy fly so the rope turn up to 30m higher. 
  (Thats prevent you to catch your own rope) 

- Go back with your had (and the regulator of course) inside the

- Go out to the hatch with both arms first (The normal way in
  my sub to go in / go out. 

- Open the carabiner from the scuba gear to free it from the
front        lifting point.

- Open your mouth, with the regulator in, secure him with your hand, 


- The lifting inflate mark bouy will raise you to 30 m deep, than 
 the lift will stop because the bouy reached the surface (And is here a 
good indicator) 

- Surface on the 30 m rope the normal way, use the table which is 
  fitted on the end of the rope /or on the scuba gear and your
  divers clock and the rope and the marks on the rope.  

- on the surface at night : activated the other chemical light

- The rescue ship will give you a lift home. 


- In case you can not open the top hatch, or your body is damage, 
 use the tool fitted left size near the blow vale to open the front- 
bajonet-access for the front dome and remove the dome. 
 In case the bouy is damaged use the front dome to give you a lift. 


 - In case you can not open any of the two hatches - 
  drink the wiskey before the time the oxygen bottle is emtpy, 
  the manuell pipe to the CO2 absorber will prevent you from
  CO2 headeges - and the lower o2 rate will sleep you very slowly 
  and friendly to your last dream. 

5.1.4 Raise your submarine next weekend - 
	or sale it "on place" and build a new one. 

Carsten - and something in the checklist is !-)