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Hey guys - This is the reponse that I got from the vice president of Switlik
in regards to the Stenke Hoods. Seems he has a few for sale.
I wrote to thank him for his time and told him I would post the info for the
----- Original Message -----
From: <MCDSPC@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 1:51 PM
Subject: Stenke Hood

> Dear Sir,
 Yes, we have made the Stenke Hood in the past. We supplied the US Navy
under direct Contract. We do not have any brouchures or available specs.,
since we sold directly to the Government. I understand that this item will
be discontinued by the Navy and replaced with a full suit, similar to what
the Brits use. I have a few in stock, priced at $499.00 each.
> Michael C. Dilts
> Vice President