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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Interesting item on eBay web site item#275822570: X-9 "Yellow Submarine" Wet Kit

One last thing to Greg I never claimed to have designed it, only to sell it.And last
this has nothing to do with trusting e-mail.Unless one is pressured, trick ,conned
into something one does not want anything to do with,and unless you think otherwise
which you just might.I've done nothing wrong.Greg you're the one who should think
twice before you say what you said.   Nick

Nick wrote:

> You guessed it I am strapped for cash.and anyways isn't this a site for home
> built subs and kits whats the differenace if it is a k-250, Mataray ,Natilius or
> someones own homebuilt.If nothing else just by the pictures its spurs the
> imagination to build.and yes it would be nice to have a classified sections.
> As for the motors all they are is mini-kotas that can be gotten anywhere.Even
> though thay have to be modified.
> As far as I know it is still a free internet and psubs is a free site to share
> info ,ideas and projects.One mans junk is another mans treasureOne last tidbit
> Tom Taylor had nothing to do in designing the X-9 .It was a good salior
> E.D.Buile of U.S. Laboratory who was the man behind the X-9.
>  And to Greg I did not now this was your site to decide what went on, I thought
> it was started by Ray and to also let you know  and Ray I'am sure will vouch for
> me  that I have been on this psub site for a little longer than you have.And
> last do you have some problem that all you know how to do is trash someone
> else,just because you don't  have nothing else  better to do.See I didn't have
> to stoop to your level for you to understand ,so unless you want to turn this
> forum into a kick and bash event  just because you don't like the way things are
> presented.Put your brain into gear before your mouth  shows how ignorant you
> really are. Nick
> "D. Blake" wrote:
> > Man, I have always thought it would be cool to have a classified section on
> > the psub site.  What's your thoughts Ray?
> > Still, I can see your point Greg.  I hate being played with.  There ain't
> > nothin worse than having a friend who all of a sudden gets into selling
> > insurance or what not.  Except maybe a friend who does so while letting on
> > like he is somebody else.
> > Hey Nick, do you feel embarrassed?  If yes, don't bother.  Hell, it's just
> > the internet.
> > Wait a minute!  What am I saying?  If you cannot trust your e-mail, what is
> > this world coming to?!
> > Junk?  Crap?  These are harsh adjectives Greg.  In fact, they are probably
> > hyperbole.  Nick just probably needs some cash right about now.
> > What about parting out the inventory?  How much for the motors?
> > TTYL,
> > Big Dave
> > P.S.  E-mail me direct.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Gregory Snyder <snyde032@tc.umn.edu>
> > To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
> > Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 12:25 AM
> > Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Interesting item on eBay web site
> > item#275822570: X-9 "Yellow Submarine" Wet Kit
> >
> > >Hey Nick-
> > >What kind  of Bullsh*t is this?
> > >Not to be hard on you dude, but if YOU'RE going to use our forum to sell
> > >your sub-related junk, then represent yourself as THE GUY unloading his
> > >sub-related junk.
> > >This cutesy "I saw this item for sale" crap has got to quit. How convenient
> > >that you "saw the item for sale", considering that you are the chowderhead
> > >who put it up for sale.
> > >Play straight with us, if it's your crap, then call it your crap.
> > >
> > >Sorry for the ranting, guys. But something about this approach frazzled my
> > >nerves.
> > >I'm not against the occasional exchange of parts/merchandise, but I would
> > >hate to see us become an extension of the EBAY scuba page.
> > >
> > >Any thoughts on this?
> > >Greg
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: <timely@jps.net>
> > >Sent: Saturday, March 04, 2000 5:18 PM
> > >Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Interesting item on eBay web site item#275822570:
> > >X-9 "Yellow Submarine" Wet Kit
> > >> I saw this item for sale at eBay, the world's largest personal trading
> > >community, and thought that you might be interested.
> > >>
> > >> Title of item: X-9 "Yellow Submarine" Wet Kit
> > >> Seller: timely@jps.net
> > >
> > >