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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Over Niagara Falls in a sub?

 Another observation - on the Canadian side (horseshoe
Falls) the water is almost as deep as the falls are
high (*directly* below the falls )... On the American
side - there are indeed a big ol' bunch of rocks... So
you would certainly have to go over on that side.  The
water is only about 4' deep (if that) for most of the
final strectch of rapids leading to the drop.  You
would have to be very bouyant to make it through that
stretch I would think... 
  Seems you would have to put in close to the falls
(to ensure which one you go over), draw no more than
2-3 feet of water, and be incredibly bouyant to make
it out of the pit at the bottom.    
  Just let me know when you're coming!  I only llive
20 minutes away from there and this is a 'must see'!


--- Paul Suds <paul_suds@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Doug, I hope the drug isn't lithium for psychotics,
> and I hope you're not 
> schizophrenic. Either way, you're crazy (ha). A few
> observations. Since you 
> are not bouyant, you smash right into the rocks
> without any shock absorption 
> aforded my the water. Because you are not bouyant,
> the force of the water 
> from the water falling does not allow you to surface
> or move out of the area 
> directly under the falls. Finally, if you do make it
> down stream and are 
> well camoflaged so that no one sees you, no one will
> believe you. They would 
> think that you beat up your own sub, bloodied
> yourself or worse, put your 
> sub in upstream, and fabricated the whole idea. OK,
> so you have a great 
> idea. I will pay good money to watch, and I'll even
> take pictures to prove 
> that you actually did this. Also, is your wife a
> nice looking woman, maybe 
> she could get married again, ha.  Alright, so I'm
> having fun at your 
> expense. Please forgive me, I'm having a good
> day...Suds
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