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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] What do Hydro-caps do?


Thanks for the information and ideas. Any further ideas on where to vent the
batteries while the engine is running, would be welcome. On the subject of
the exhaust valve, one that opens with the engine oil pressure and closes
again automatically when the  engine stops, could work well. Of course a
light on the panel to indicate the valve status would be desireable !
Maybe a battery vent could work in a similar manner and in fact, any engine
skin fitting could be operated this way, in order to dive, to stop the
engine would close all the valves due to lose of oil pressue.

So far, I had thought the batteries could go in long pods down each side of
the centre line, internally in the hull.

I look forward to hearing more about George's diesel boat.

>From down under,

> George's diesel boat was built for a customer and operated for a time, but
that's about all I know about it, other than it was in the shop when I was
in Maine last fall and partly dismantled.
> How are you going to carry the batteries? I don't know about venting them
through the exhaust. Captain George must have had some idea but I don't know
what it was. I email him every week, and will try to remember and ask him
about it. You wouldn't need much, however. THere is virtually no offgassing
to atmostphere with the caps. The only real problem is to replenish the
oxygen which is drawn from the battery space atmosphere and combined with
hydrogen to make water. That results in a vacuum after each dive, and a
stronger one would develop during charging, where considerably more hydrogen
is produced.
> The PC-1204 (now called Clelia) that Harbor Branch owns and operates, has
a set of tubes plumbed to the battery pods. Quarter inch in and three-eights
out. They just put low pressure air to the small tubes at a steady flow rate
and vent it out the other. This works very well for them (they use AGM
batteries, too) and they never open the battery pods at sea unless an actual
problem develops. We never fooled with that when I ran the sub in Europe as
we had heated sub hangers with vent systems for the charging cycles.
> Keep us up to date of the sub's progress. I will get myself to NZ for the
launching or sea trials or something. But will need some warning. That
airline ticket will be tough to explain to Momma.
> Best Regards,
> Vancew