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Re: [[PSUBS-MAILIST] How dey do dat?]

Oh Captain, my Captain...

I may still have a lot to learn about subs but this "card trick" is at least
something I know about.  It's just a little cyber slight of hand.  It doesn't
matter which card you stare at.  If you pick a card you will remember THAT
CARD alone and not pay much attention to the others.  When "Sparky" fires his
gun they ALL get replaced by cards that are similar in appearance but you only
notice that the card you picked is no longer there.

Later my friend,


"Captain Nemo" <vulcania@interpac.net> wrote:

> --------------------------------------------- 
>	Attachment:  
>	MIME Type: multipart/alternative 
> --------------------------------------------- 
You guys gotta check this out:



Pat Regan

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