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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Captain Nemo's "attack"...

Class Act, Pat, Class act...
----- Original Message -----
From: Captain Nemo
To: Personal (Discussion) Submersibles
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2000 9:43 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Captain Nemo's "attack"...

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Captain Nemo only attacked the ABRAHAM LINCOLN after they fired on him.
Judging from the posts, I think most of us have a clear picture of what's going on here; but for the benefit of those who've expressed the concern that a consequence of recent debate might be that someone will misunderstand and walk off in a huff, let me assure you all there is no misunderstanding here.
Vance, I have read many of your posts on this forum; you take pride in your years of experience and enjoy being outspoken.  I have known you to be quite unabashed in your remarks regarding others.  Frankly, I was wondering how long it would take you to get around to me. 
 I'll bet you've been sitting back, looking at my sub, reading my words, and wondering "Who in the hell does this guy think he is?"  And that's why you raised the issue of "functionality" regarding my submarine; to evoke a response.  Maybe you didn't expect my reply to be quite what it was, but don't say you were totally surprised, or disappointed. 
Remember how you felt when you read my remarks, and when you responded to them?  You old pitbull, you loved every minute of it, because it fired up that thing inside that thrives on what's real in this all-too-often phony-assed World.  If only in the back of your mind, that's why you sent a shot across my bow in the first place: you wanted to confront me, because we're never more alive than when we fight for what we believe in, or compare our reality against that of someone else.  The human psyche is attracted to the challenge of intellectual debate.  Oftentimes, it becomes quite heated; but there's nothing wrong or unusual about that. 
"Hard feelings?"  I had none then, and I have none now.  (In fact, I thoroughly enjoyed it!)
"Lighten up?"  Never!  What a crashing drag that would be!  When the day comes that we are so worried about being "politically correct" that we no longer speak our minds, I'm outta here!
Very best regards,
Pat Regan