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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sea trials/PSU/Navy propulsion

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Suds" <paul_suds@hotmail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 3:50 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Sea trials/PSU/Navy propulsion

"After all your comments recently about a movie of the TV series  "Voyage to
the Bottom of the Sea", hereafter refered to as VBS, I tried to rent same
from local video stores. They didn't have a copy."

Hi Paul,

Did you try BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO?  I'd bet it's in that catalogue they have.
It starred Walter Pidgeon as Nelson.  Michael Ansara was a crazed visionary
with a bomb trying to sabotage SEAVIEW's efforts to save the World; and
Barbara Eden was the bombshell.  I probably still have it on tape, but my
copy is pretty old, and I can't gaurantee what quality will be like.  Maybe
I could burn you a copy, but I can't gaurantee anything.  I'll go look for
it when I get time.

"Also,  speaking of movies, does anyone remember a sub movie called "Gray
Lady Down", circa, late 80's ???"

Yep, got that one too, around here somewhere.  (I've got over 1,000 movies
on tape, so finding it is a bit time-consuming.)  GLD starred Charleton
Heston as a sub commander on his pre-retirement patrol when his sub get's
freight-trained by a ship and sunk with survivors aboard.  Stacey Keech is
the Captain of the Navy rescue ship sent to bail Chuck out; and David
Caradine is the pilot of a minisub who saves the day, but....(oops!  Almost
gave away the ending!).  Some interesting minisub footage here using models
and an actual submersible.

Both of these ought to be available from BLOCKBUSTER; but if you can't find
'em, let me know and I'll see what I can do.  But remember, it's been about
10 years since I played them, and I can't gaurantee quality.



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