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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] newbee

First let me say thanks for the responce.
  I have no intentions of duplacating the NAUTILUS.  The first E_Mail I got
frome this group was telloing me to buy plans and build frome there.  If im
going to build frome someone elses plans I might as well go out and buy the
fineshed product. Where is the fun and learning in that. "Half the fun is
getting there".  I want to lear the whole prosses frome start to finish.
    I grew up arround boats, I rebuilt a 1955 Claton 34' cabin cruser.  Hand
built a couple of smaller boats. All of my own design.  Not everything
worked, but thats where the fun came in, in the learning prosses.
   I did take the advice of Richard Hess in the email he sent and went back
over the past couple of years ( still going over it all).
  I must say I am back to not being shure of what my material will be.
   As in any learning prosses you end up with more questions than answere.
In my line of work I specialise in making things work that shouldnt.  Or
atleast seem like they cant be done. The fun leys in figuring out how to do
it reasonably and still maintain a safty factor.
   I was once told, when I bought my first motor cycle, that I needed to
respect the power and its capability to seriously hurt me. I look at this
much the same way.
   Looking over all the messages and threds over the past couple of years I
fint that the resounding school of thought is to test your product and
retest it.
    I have been self imployed for over 15years now and have learned that in
order to make the best decision you need to listen to several opinions and
extract what you can use and discard what you cant. I always listen to
advise of others, weather or not i use it is up to me. I have to live with
the consaquences of my decisions.
     Well that gives you a little background on me. and my school of
By the way Pat (if I can call you that),  After looking at the photos of
your ship I just had to run out and rent the movie again.  Thanks for
bringing back some fond memories.