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Hey, sub-dudes. I've been really busy and haven't had too much time to read 
the messages, but my wife finally complained. I've been really busy watching 
my Nasdaq stocks go through the ceiling. Anyway, one of the stocks that i 
bought about a month ago was PLUG. I paid $60.00 for it and it closed today 
at $107 :)  I may build subs that go down, but I've been fortunate with my 
stock picks going up, ha. Anyway, PLUG uses PEM technology. They are a fuel 
cell company backed by GE among others. I know we've talked about fuel 
cells, but as part of my research into this company, i did some boning up on 
fuel cells. Hey, these things are here to stay. They'll never put nukes, 
coal, and gas out of business for generating electricity commercially, but I 
see some practical uses for us P-sub types. Eventually, when cost and size 
come down (it's getting there fast), they will be invaluable for certain 
applications. A Canadian company, Ballard, also has a web site. I didn't buy 
their stock because of ownership right disputes. Good company though. If you 
guys are interested, they have some generic information on there web sites. 
I was also looking at buying a 15 acre island off the coast of Honduras, for 
cheap. It has crystal clear water and white  sandy beaches on one side and 3 
ft high "cliffs" on the other side. A hell of a place for mini-subs. I don't 
think my wife is too interested though, and there's no power on the island. 
Hmmm.. maybe a power cell, but where do I get the hydrogen??? It would be 
impractical for a summer place and security when not in use would be a 
problem. Now, if I could rent it to you guys when I'm not using it, hmmmm.
Oh, by the way....James Bond, fur bikinis??? Hmmmm..let's keep the 
imagination to designing subs. I wouldn't want you guys to hurt yourselves, 
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