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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Launching at the boat ramp (was: Langkawi Islands)


Another problem I had with launch and recovery  was the fact that, while the
NAUTILUS MINISUB needed about 4-1/2 feet of water on the ramp to float free
of the trailer, the place on the ramp where that depth occurred was maybe 30
feet down from the water's edge; and if I tried to drive the trailer to that
point, I'd also submerge the van I was using as a tow vehicle.

I solved this problem by modifying the trailer with a removable third wheel
attached to the tongue.  I'd back up to the ramp; chock, unhitch, and raise
the trailer with a floor jack; install the third wheel; remove the floor
jack; pull the van about 50-feet forward; and connect the "trike-trailer"
and van with a heavy steel cable.  On launch, my crew would pull the chocks,
and I'd back the trailer down the ramp on the end of a 50-foot cable.  That
way, I got the boat to the depth it needed, and kept the van clear of the
water at the same time.

Today, I'm in the process of getting our new PC/Video editing equipment
together; should be up in a couple days or less.  I've already decided to do
an AVI of this launching sequence as my first experiment in computer
editing, and I might be able to send a copy of it to those who wants to see
it, and whose computer has the ability to download AVI files.  (It will
probably take a long time to download from your email, but you can always
delete it afterwards.)  This will show how the boat sitting backwards and
pitched nose-up on the trailer, translated into a near-perfectly level
launching attitude when the boat was on the ramp.  I'm not saying this is
the way everybody should do it, but it worked well for me in this particular
instance, so i thought I'd pass it on for the benefit of those who might
face similar problems.

I'll post a message when the AVI is ready.

That's all for now; gotta get ready to go to work tonight.

