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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane Tanks


IMOHO, PSRC is cool; especially for us "recreational" types.  I know one guy
who paid $50 for a vessel that would have cost him maybe $6000 to have
fabricated.  Was he happy?  I guess!  Did it work?  Yep!  So does PSRC make
sense?  Apparently, in some cases, yes.

I look at "paying someone else to do it" as an absolute last resort  I don't
have a factory at my disposal; can't afford expensive construction costs;
and part of the enjoyment I derive comes from knowing I did it all myself:
"from paper to pond", so to speak.

What's that old saying about "if it looks like a duck"?  Well, I figure if
it looks like a submarine; and I'm sure I can make one out of it which will
work in the depths I've limited myself to; then why not go ahead and make a
submarine out of it!?

But I always remember what Harry Calahan said: "A man's got to know his


Pat Regan