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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Langkawi Islands

On Fri, 28 Jan 2000 12:10:56 -0500 "D. Blake" <dblake@bright.net> writes:
>Hey!  Don't forget the still.

I forgot about that.   Thanks.

>Oh yeah, the women.
>You know what, there are a multitude of females out there in virtually
>major city addicted to crack-cocaine.  Some of them are very beautiful
>people, and not necessarily HIV+.  They want to kick the habit.  

Hmmm . . . . . 

>They just
>need someplace to go to get away from the terrible environment that 
>prevents them from getting off the merry-go-round.  They need to be put
>work, and replace their addiction with something just as powerful and 

Dave, you're a genius.   We can probably get grants from governments
and from feminist organizations.

>If we proceed with this venture, all I ask is that I be made the
>interviewer/personnel manager.  I assure you my credentials are 

I think you've come up with an excellent idea.   You can be the HR chap.

I'd like to be the one who assigns work to them.   My credentials are
similarly impeccable.

Now, if we can figure out how to calculate horsepower on these silly
electric motors, we'll have it made.

Michael B. Holt                                Oregon Hill, Richmond,
Virginia, U.S.A.
"The art of the thing is to make it all look easy."            --Frank

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