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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Whooops!

Space Ships ? - Bahh , no way - only 1 atm pressure proof..
Could not dive deeper that 30 feet.. - but the speed seems okay. 

A submarine is a space ship. All system are enclosed. Only the
pressure is much higher. 


Dan J. Rice schrieb:
> Hi Dave;
> You've created a mini flood of your own!  Thanks for the novel reference, I
> myself have a little interest in the space exploration realm myself.  Any mail
> groups for that yet? P-Orbs? (Personal-Orbitables) P-Ips
> (Personal-Interplanetaries) maybe P-Igs (personal-Intergalactics).. Oh this is
> fun!
> Dan
> David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net> on 01/17/2000 04:24:47 PM
> Please respond to personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> To:   personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> cc:    (bcc: Dan J. Rice/EST/Sherwin-Williams)
> Subject:  Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Whooops!
> At 0956 -0600 01/15/2000, Zubscuba@aol.com wrote:
> >The problem would be the legal aspects. What would be done to protect the
> >other members if my widow decided to prosecute?
> Dive deep.
> Seriously, this shared sub is a startlingly cool idea. It seems so obvious now.
> Has that company actually built any of those boats yet? Is there anybody out
> there with one already? Cuz I'm wondering: What would be the government's
> response to a private citizen's organization operating a submarine?
> Since I've detected at least a little crossover interest among the group in
> space exploration, I'll mention this wild novel I've just read, _Kings of the
> High Frontier_, available in electronic form from Pulpless.com. It's about
> private space flight. Lots of inspirational encouragement for "homebuilt" types.
> I mention it because near the end some government type, trying to prevent
> "Subnational" access to space, mentions that it's "for the same reasons we
> oppose subnationals with submarines." Ahem.
> --
> David
> Osage MN USA
> buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner