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PSUBS Personal Submersibles
White Paper: Design Thoughts


Contributor: Gary Boucher Last update: 11/17/97 Synopsis: These are design considerations that Gary put together in an e-mail to the listserver alias. It is not an all inclusive list of design considerations but it is a good start. It covers Hull Geometry, power, and propulsion. Along with comments on safety. Disclaimer: You are resposible for your own safety. Even though this information may work or seem resonable in some cases you need to approach the subject carefully and even aquire the help of a Marine Architect before applying into one of your designs.


I have been thinking about sharing some design thoughts with those interested in personal submarines. I have do not know if this will be useful to most of the members therefore I have not finished my thoughts in all areas. I have attached a text file that you may wish to read if interested. Let me know if more will be useful. My web page with lots of photos is: http://www.shreve.net/~protek/index.htm And my direct email address is: protek@shreve.net Let me know... Gary Boucher SUBMERSIBLE DESIGN General Factors to Consider There are apparently a moderate sized group of people that contemplate the design and construction of their own small one or two person subs. This is evidenced by the growing number of PSUBS subscribers. Many are just looking at the factors that are involved and thinking about the feasibility of such and undertaking. I read a fair amount of traffic on this subject from the PSUBS E-Mails sent. Understanding that there is an interest I thought it would be useful to some if I published some thoughts to the members on how to and how not to proceed. As the builder of a fully functional 6000 pound displacement, 22 foot long electric-hydraulic powered boat, The Vindicator, I would like to share some knowledge and philosophy. My project spanned a nine year period of which I did not work continuously. It has been the greatest technical achievement of my life but at time one of the most frustrating. Since the field of submersible design is still wide open to new ideas and concepts the designer has a fairly wide range of opportunities to sharpen the designs that others have developed previously. On the other hand there is a lot of existing technology that is proven and should be considered by the designer. The designer should have in mind the end-use of the boat and what it is he is asking the design to do. In my case it was just a toy to play with and a way to enjoy the mechanics of submarine operation. Another designer may wish to take passengers, or to build the boats to sell, or just to have a one atmosphere approach to underwater observation. All uses are legitimate as long as they justify the effort. Among the most basic design questions would be hull shape, power, ballast tank placement, window geometries, and life support. It is my desire to address some or all of these areas for those interested. HULL GEOMETRIES The first area that I would like to cover is hull shape. The geometry of the pressure hull is of utmost importance. When I attempted to build my first submarine as a teenager back in my home town, my hull structure was elegant but dangerous. I used 3/4 inch black pipe welded into a superstructure of ribs covered with metal not greater than 1/8 inch thick. This design although not finished would have been fatal for the passenger if submerged deeper than 15 feet. From the outside the hull was nicely curved and streamlined and in a hexagon shape similar to the shape of a benzene ring one might have seen in a chemistry class. The main problem with the design was two fold. First, the elongated cross section of the hull would have placed terrific bending moments at the top and bottom on the support structures and caused collapse at minimal depths (much shallower than anticipated). The second problem was the lack of substantial superstructure to support the pressure. Most people do not conceive of how much force water can place on a hull structure. For example at a 100 foot depth every square foot of hull has a force equal to 6243 pounds pushing on it. Not only must the hull be supported properly but the hull material must take the force without compromise. There are many new approaches to elegant hull design that look more like a jet ski than a conventional submersible. Some claim an operating depth greater than 100 feet but most will have severe problems at depths much shallower than this. The problem is that without building the submersibles with extremely thick hull walls the force will cause bending at short radius curves. The best geometries for resisting water pressure are those that are spherical or cylindrical. Probably the very best shape you can use is the sphere. All force generated by the outside water pressure is normal to the surface as with all shapes, but in this case the force is directed in toward the center of the craft resulting in each hull section being wedged against it's neighbor. This results in a compression of the material rather than a large degree of bending torque. Thus design has a limit and will crush even if perfectly round. But, the depth of crushing should be much greater than non symmetrical designs. Another hull design that is commonly used is the cylindrical (tubular) hull with elliptical, or better yet, hemi-spherical end caps. This design was what I chose for The Vindicator. Hemi- spherical end caps are better than the elliptical ones that I used but offer some problems in certain designs where the end of the pressure hull is not the end of the sub itself. I have ballast tanks located beyond the ends of my pressure hull. Even with cylindrical or spherical designs much care should be employed when choosing the thickness of hull. Most hulls of the above mentioned geometries can withstand a much reduced pressure if they are out-of-round by only a small percentage. For this reason most designers use framing inside the hull to stiffen the structure. Framing could be employed outside but in most cases the outside portion of the hull is in contact with the moving water and framing would seriously increase the drag on the boat through the water. The use of framing, how much and where, along with the hull thickness and end-cap thickness should be referred to an engineer qualified to make such determinations. POWER FOR PROPULSION Nuclear is best but who can spare the uranium. Laying the jokes aside, there is more than one approach to powering a submersible. I actually envisioned a "Thermite Engine" when I was younger that used the compound thermite to generate heat for boiling water and producing thrust. The problem with thermite is that once ignited it burns at 6000 degrees F and can NOT be extinguished. I had thought of canisters of the material that could be ignited periodically to produce a superheated chamber of steel that water could be injected into. Probably a potentially fatal idea. Who wants to ignite an uncontrolled chemical chain reaction in a closed vessel under water and hope that it stays contained. This was the closest thing I could come up with at age 16 to mimic nuclear power. Oh well, please do not do this at home. Bad idea! A less radical approach to energy production under water would be the application of an air breathing engine such as a diesel that runs on compressed air. Here are some problems with this approach; First, you could only carry a limited supply of air for the engine that would result in limited use. Probably only a few minutes of underwater power. Second, the underwater engine would produce gasses that would have to be released through the hull and bubble to the surface, much the same as the old chemical torpedoes we used in WWII. Depending on the depth there would be a possibly substantial back-pressure for this off- gassing. The third potential problem, and probably not the last, would be the danger of having flammable liquids on-board a closed air filled vessel. Diesel would probably be much better than gasoline! The idea of a reciprocating engine to be used in a submarine would be enhanced if the engine did not produce off gas products like CO2 or CO. The use of pure hydrogen and pure oxygen has merit. Both can be maintained under pressure and mixed at the point of cylinder injection. A modified carburetor could be used with some kind of control system to adjust the flow. High tech to say the least as this engine would require some development. The benefits would be little or no off-gas product. The two fuels would produce water in vapor form that could be cooled by the infinite heat sink of the outside water. The condensed water would weigh the same as the two fuels before burning, thus creating no ballast problem. The EXTREME danger is obvious. That is the escape of hydrogen into the hull compartment. Hydrogen at levels of 1 or 2 percent in pure oxygen is explosive. In air, levels of about 4 percent are explosive. An explosion on-board would be fatal in most cases. One interesting approach would be to fill the engine compartment with an inert fluid that was not flammable and would not allow the unnoticed release of either gas. With such a non- compressible fluid in place, any off-gassing would result in a sudden fluid pressure increase and could shut off all fuel supply. How about that, just came up with that idea while writing. BATTERIES Getting back to more practical and state-of-the-art working propulsion systems the designer can choose battery power. This is the accepted norm for most all subs of this class. The variations come from the type of batteries and their placement. I chose lead-acid golf cart batteries for my design, six of them. Mine are connected in series to provide 36 volts at 220 amp-hrs. There has been a lot of talk about gel-cell batteries for use in subs. I have a Gel-cell in my airplane and love them. They work upside-down and right-side up. However you must remember that in general the amp-hour rating of the gel- cell is not that of the cheaper lead-acid type and the expense is much higher. Nothing much is cheaper per amp-hour than the old fashioned lead-acid battery. This battery has been around since the early 1900's. There are several problems with the lead-acid battery. For one thing they are full of approximately 25% sulfuric acid. This acid is very corrosive as anyone knows who has had to clean car battery terminals. If these batteries ever explode they can throw sulfuric acid. This has been known to blind people in accidents where they were splashed with the acid and were not able to flush it quickly. Another problem with the lead-acid battery is the off- gassing of hydrogen. This occurs when the battery is charged, discharged and to a lesser extent when the battery just sits not being used. As mentioned earlier the hydrogen is not just flammable but explosive in almost any quantity. The charging cycle of the battery produces by far the most hydrogen. This is why you have to take special precautions with jumper cables on cars. When a jumper cable is being used the battery can take on excessive charge current and produce large amounts of hydrogen. When the user disconnects the cable the arc can ignite the gas and produce an explosion. It is difficult for me to imagine what would happen if such an explosion occurred while submerged inside a pressure vessel. To a large extent the danger of explosion can be reduced by using hydrogen catalyst battery caps on all cells of the lead acid battery. These can be purchased from Hydrocap, 975 N.W. 95 Street, Miami Florida, 33150,(305)696-2504. I use a cap on every cell of my system. When charging the cells get hot as the battery approaches full charge and the hydrogen is generated at a faster rate. The hydro-caps also tend to remedy another problem, that of adding water to the cells. The caps return combined gasses back into the cell as pure water. This company also has catalator elements that can be placed in battery boxes to reduce the chance of stray hydrogen generating an explosion. One major choice is where to put the batteries, inside with the operator or in separate pods outside the main hull structure. I chose to have mine with me inside but this is probably more hazardous from the above mentioned points. A friend in Texas who built a sub opted to have his in two separate pods external to the main hull. This is good since he has had one majoy hydrogen explosion. He did not have hydro-cats. One other consideration that I had during thinking my sub design out was the possibility of electric shock if the hull is flooded with water. This would probably be worse with salt water and higher voltages like my 36 volt system. I am told that lead- acid batteries also produce chlorine if exposed to exposed electrodes. For this reason I carry breathing protection. SIZING CURRENT DEMANDS One common problem in designing the electric propulsion system is most people do not know that the amount of current that a battery system can supply is limited. Often times a car battery is called on to deliver 600+ amps to a starter system. This is OK for short periods of time but excessive current draw for extended periods of time will harm a battery. A 220 amp-hr battery may supply 1 amp for 220 hours, or 22 amps for 10 hours, but if asked to deliver 220 amps the battery will flounder after far less than one hour. Thus, the amp-hr capacity of a battery IS a function of the current draw. One battery specialist recommended to me that I limit the current draw to no more than 1/2 of the amp-hr rating of the battery. I do have about 176 amps of current draw on 220 amp-hr batteries if I kick the engine in "Hyper" mode. This does not seem to cause a problem no more time than I have been operating the system in high speed. My sub moves too fast even in lowest power mode so I find flank speed unnecessary. MOTIVE POWER My propulsion is furnished by a 6.7 horsepower motor driving a hydraulic pump. The pump furnishes hydraulic fluid under high pressure to a control system and then through the hull interface to a hydraulic motor which turns the prop. This works well but requires more energy due to loss than a direct motor-propeller system. Most people will chose to use an electric motor to drive a propeller directly. Each horsepower produced is equivalent to 746 watts if there is 100% conversion from electrical to mechanical energy. Motors are less than 100% efficient, more like 70 to 85 percent. So the total electrical power can be as much as 746/(.70) or 1066 watts. Since power in watts is equal to motor voltage times motor current in amps, a 12 volt one- horsepower motor will require about 89 amps. A 10 horsepower motor will require 890 amps if 12 volts is the operating option. That is why most higher horsepower DC motors operate on higher voltage. Remember the limitations of the 220 amp-hr battery? This takes some planning or the designer will paint himself into a corner. I do not recommend even 5 horsepower as this will push most small subs like a torpedo. SPEED CONTROL Speed control is also an engineering problem. There are several approaches. My approach is simple. I have "Stop", "Low Power", "Medium Power", and "Full Power". I accomplish this by placing either four 6-volt batteries, five 6 volt batteries, or six 6 volt batteries in series to the motor. This can be accomplished by switch, but I have large current relays that open and close. Problem here! If a relay sticks then there will be a short on one or two batteries. For this reason I use 220 amp electric vehicle fuses purchased from Grainger. I have never had this problem but if not fused you may enjoy the Fourth of July early and at depth. My system is controlled by computer and the computer handles the switching. There are safeguards to prevent closure of the next relay in the system if the previous relay sticks. Another way to control motor current and thus power is to use pulse width modulation. This is a great way to control power but the higher the current the more difficult it is to find the equipment to do the job. One can get into high priced MOSFETs and need a lot of expertise in electronic design to accomplish this. The rheostat or (variable resistor) can be used but this generates a great amount of power in the resistor itself sometimes more than the actual motor power. Cooling and bulk almost rule this approach out totally. CONCLUSION If there are interested readers I can continue this as a series discussing window design, weight and balance, and control options.

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Page created by: Ray Keefer Ray@PSUBS.ORG
Work: ray.keefer@ebay.sun.com Home: rayek@ix.netcom.com