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PSUBS Personal Submersibles
White Paper: Sample Checklist


Contributor: Gary Boucher Last update: 11/17/97 Synopsis: This page contains a sample of a Check List. This page is meant to show what can be in the list. However since every submersible is different you will have to create your own Check List for your own Submersible. Disclaimer: You are resposible for your own safety. Even though this information may work or seem resonable in some cases you need to approach the subject carefully and even aquire the help of a Marine Architect before applying into one of your designs.


OFF-LOADING CHECK LIST (1) Batteries Charged (2) Hull Ventilated (3) Hyd Res Press 60/24 PSI (4) Drain Plug Inserted (5) Weight Position Neutral (6) Main Hull Valve CLOSED (7) Hull Vent Valve CLOSED (8) Bow Hull Valve CLOSED (9) Top Hull Valve CLOSED (10) Electric System OFF (11) Hatch CLOSED PRE-DIVE CHECK LIST (1) Instrument Lights ON (2) All Override Switches OFF (3) Other Switches Manual/OFF (4) Center Console Power ON (5) Master (Key) Switch ON (6) Computer System Check OK (7) F/S Switch Selected (8) Depth Zeroed (9) Rear Panel Switch ON (10) Air Tank Valve(s) ON (11) Bw/Stn Ballast Blow Check (12) Steering Range Check (13) Hull Vent Valve CLOSED (14) Top Hull Valve OPEN (15) Bow Hull Valve OPEN (16) Barometer Setting Recorded (17) Hatch Closed Tight (18) Intercooler Pump ON ON-BOARD EQUIPMENT LIST (1) Hatch Wrench (2) Two Flash Lights (3) Fire Extinguisher (4) Pony Bottle (5) Scuba Mask (6) Respirator Mask (7) System Regulator (8) Floatation Device (9) Two-Way Radio (10) Watch or Clock (11) Towel (12) Key (Master Switch) (13) Small Note Pad and Pencil BACKUP PARTS AND EQUIPMENT Scuba Tanks O Rings Battery Caps Towels Flash Lights (2) Flash Light Batteries Floatation Device Two-Way Radio Two-Way Radio Batteries Key (Backups) 5 Amp Fuses 10 Amp Fuses 15 Amp Fuses Mini Fuses 20,30 Amps Silicone Seal JB Weld Quick Gasket Rubber Extra O Rings for Sub Tie Wraps (Assorted) Note Pad Port Hole Allen Wrenches Hatch Wrenches Charging Harness Battery Chargers (3) Log Book Wiring Diagrams Hydrometer Distilled Water Small Flouresent Lights Battery Caps Check Lists Hydraulic Oil Hydraulic Oil Funnel Window Cleaner Allen Wrenches for Cowlings Electric Drill and Hex Cowl Wrench Voltmeter Air Bottle Extension Cords Ropes Cabels Trailer Extension Innertubes Lift Straps Tire Gauge 0-60 PSI Extra Ballast Weight Extra Ballast Boyancy Material Tools Drain Plug Wrench Air Pressure gauge Extra Key Marker Float SCUBA EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST Tanks Extra Tank O Rings Regulators Masks Mask Straps Mask Clear Snorkel Scuba BCD Weight Belt Fins Swim Suit Wet Suit GENERAL CHECKLIST Sun Screen Sun Glasses Hat Billfold Swim Suite Clothes Deck Shoes Lawn Chairs Road Maps Drink Cooler

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Page created by: Ray Keefer Ray@PSUBS.ORG
Work: ray.keefer@ebay.sun.com Home: rayek@ix.netcom.com